2022 Online K-Culture Video Contest

#THEME: “What I love about Korea”
The theme for this contest is “What I love about Korea”. The contestants are free to create video content related to Korea or Korean culture, how you came to know about Korea, or anything related to Korea.
Important Dates:
Application Period: August 16 (Tue) ~ September 18 (Sun), 2022
Result Announcement: October 11 (Tue), 2022
Award Ceremony: *Will Be Informed Later
How to Participate:
▶ The video must be of 2-3 minutes long.
▶ The video content must be original work by the contestants. Please make sure that the video doesn’t contain copyrighted materials and does not violate copyright. (Music, photos, videos, etc.) The applicant shall be liable for copyright infringement cases.
▶ The video should start with the cover page including the contestants’ name or team name, title and topic of the video, name of the event “2022 Online K-Culture Video Contest by Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Nepal”
▶ English subtitles must be available if the video contains Korean language.
▶ You can participate as solo or in team (but only 1 entry per person is allowed whether in team or solo)
▶ Upload the video to your Youtube channel with tag #kculturevideocontest2022 and send us the link to the given email address kculturevideocontestnepal@gmail.com
<Please write the subject in this format: KCulture Video Contest – Name>
▶ Attach the screenshot of the completed satisfaction survey in the email.
You can complete the Satisfaction Survey by going through this link or from QR code given in the poster > https://mofa-digital-2022.pmirnc.io/mofa/112/con/1
*All participants must complete the satisfaction survey.
▶ Nepali citizens residing in Nepal who are interested in Korean culture.
Evaluation Criteria:
▶ Originality – 30%
▶ Creativity – 30%
▶ Understanding of Korean Culture – 40%
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